If a patient wishes to improve the color, shape, size, or length of their teeth, Drs. Armstrong and Tant may recommend dental veneers in Jacksonville, North Carolina. Dental veneers are thin, custom-made shells that are bonded to the front surface of the teeth to improve the appearance of your smile. Our dental office offers porcelain dental veneers, which resist stains and mimic the light reflecting properties of your natural teeth well.
To prepare your tooth for a dental veneer, our dentists remove a small amount of tooth enamel to allow room for the veneer in your mouth. Impressions are taken of your tooth so that the veneer can be custom made. Once the veneer is complete, our dentists will remove the temporary veneer. Then, the veneer will be placed in your mouth to check the fit and color. After any necessary adjustments have been made, our dentists will polish and etch your teeth. The veneer will then be permanently cemented into place. Any excess cement is then removed and our dentists will evaluate your bite. Any final adjustments are made as necessary.
We invite you to contact our dental office today to learn more and to schedule your next visit with our dentists.