To improve the strength, size, shape, and appearance of a tooth, Dr. Armstrong and Dr. Tant may recommend a dental crown in Jacksonville, North Carolina. A dental crown is a cap that is placed over a tooth, covering the entire visible part of the tooth. Dental crowns are tooth shaped and can be made to match the color of your natural teeth. Our office offers porcelain dental crowns.
Our dentists may recommend a dental crown to:
- Protect a weak tooth from breaking
- Hold a cracked tooth
- Restore a broken or worn down tooth
- Cover and support a tooth with a large filling
- Anchor a dental bridge
- Cover a tooth that is irregularly shaped or badly stained
- Cover a dental implant
- Make a cosmetic improvement
A dental crown may be placed on a child’s primary teeth to:
- Save a tooth that is too badly decayed to support a filling
- Protect a child’s teeth that is at high risk for decay
- Protect the teeth of a child that has a hard time keeping up with oral hygiene
- Decrease the use of general anesthesia for children who are unable to cooperate during dental treatments
Feel free to contact our dental office today to learn more and to schedule your next appointment.